Study : Squirrel

Hello visitors! This is my first blog post on this site.


4/25/20231 min read

I've been in kind of a block for last couple of months. I am functioning regularly in my social life and work life except when it's my personal work. I noticed I can't keep focus on my personal works and skills. I want to work on my own unfinished stories but when I start working on them I remember I need to study that or this! I start studying those things and start loosing focus soon. This has become kind of a loop! So after passing weeks like this I started working on myself lately. I build this portfolio website which was in my To-Do list for a long time. I prepared my artworks for the site and made this side presentable with my favorite works which I did in last couple of years. Today I started working on new work pieces for my portfolio. I made a rough list and started working on a character design. For the character I studied squirrel for hours. I'll start working on the character by this upcoming weekend. Here are some pieces from the study.

For references I rely on pinterest instead of google images. As I open up an image I like there, hundreds of relevant images pop up and I can pin them up for future use. And the collection is more diverse and interesting than google images. Also search engines show images from stock sites mostly which are boring.

So that's all for today. I'll try to write blogpost weekly. Till then take care. See ya!